Health and Safety - Knowledge and Law

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Planned release date:
tuesday, 11 february 2025
28 january 2025
What temperature must be ensured in the hygienic and sanitary rooms of the workplace?
14 january 2025
Footwear for school cleaning staff
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Everything you need to know about organizing a health and safety committee
24 december 2024
Learn 2 ways to independently determine the maximum shelf load in warehouse racks
10 december 2024
Overview of devices not subject to the Office of Technical Inspection
26 november 2024
Issuing personal hygiene products and longer breaks from work
12 november 2024
Painting on a ladder – what personal protective equipment should you use?
5 november 2024
Reporting MCR chemical substances to PIP and PIS
14 october 2024
Work clothes and protective clothing – how to distinguish between them?
1 october 2024
Compensation for washing representative clothing - is it due?
10 september 2024
Lockers for employees in social rooms
27 august 2024
Spill baths - when is their use necessary?
13 august 2024
Control screens in machines and devices
23 july 2024
Color of fenders on loading ramps
9 july 2024
Operation of two hammer drills at the same time
25 june 2024
Protruding materials on pallet racks
11 june 2024
How to choose gloves for work exposed to electric arc shock?
28 may 2024
Using a lift as a means of transport between levels
14 may 2024
Automation of PPE issuance and electronic records of PPE allocation
23 april 2024
What height can pallets with goods be placed?
9 april 2024
Use of protective gloves when operating grinding power tools
26 march 2024
Labeling of a chemical mixture created for the plant
12 march 2024
What requirements should gloves protecting against glass cuts meet?
27 february 2024
How to organize work at heights in confined spaces in accordance with the regulations?
13 february 2024
Labeling of a chemical mixture created for the plant
23 january 2024
Employees using their own protective footwear - is it allowed?
9 january 2024
What qualifications are needed to operate pallet trucks?
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2 july 2024
Summer work - meals and drinks
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2 july 2024
Health and safety at screen monitors
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2 july 2024
Occupational noise and safety standards: what steps should the employer take
26 december 2023
When do you need to carry out an occupational risk assessment for manual transport work?
12 december 2023
Safe storage of boxes for semi-finished products and finished products produced in the forge
28 november 2023
Transport of hazardous materials and work in special conditions
14 november 2023
Where and how to make occupational health and safety instructions available in the workplace?
24 october 2023
Is welding a particularly dangerous job??
10 october 2023
Where to report the fuel tank?
26 september 2023
Employment in the plant after completing the internship and initial occupational health and safety training
12 september 2023
At what wind speeds can the crane operate?
22 august 2023
Organization of transport of unusual items
8 august 2023
How to complete the missing technical documentation and inspections of racks in the warehouse?
25 july 2023
Mobile loading ramp and mobile loading platform
11 july 2023
How to organize the lifting and moving of barrels?
27 june 2023
Industrial helmets in stock
13 june 2023
How to mark shelves in a storage room?
23 may 2023
We organize the unloading of long elements
9 may 2023
Which machines are subject to periodic inspections?
25 april 2023
A workplace with a screen monitor and reimbursement for corrective glasses
11 april 2023
How to introduce occasional remote work in the workplace?
28 march 2023
Compensation for using your own workwear or equivalent for buying workwear?
14 march 2023
It is forbidden to use mobile phones in a given workplace
28 february 2023
How to determine the maximum allowable loads
14 february 2023
Securing the place where the driver is to stay when loading the car
24 january 2023
How to specify the date of use of work clothes and shoes in the allocation table?
10 january 2023
We select eye protection products taking into account the needs and comfort of the employee's work
1 march 2023
Where to look for savings on heating work spaces while maintaining comfortable working conditions?
27 december 2022
Deduction from wages for the wear of work clothes upon termination of employment.
13 december 2022
What to do when an employee brings a certificate that he cannot use protective footwear
22 november 2022
Learn how to safely transport a load that extends beyond the forklift
8 november 2022
Are first aid kits necessary or a first aid point in the workplace suffices??
28 september 2022
When is a protective helmet for an operator of a powered industrial truck compulsory?
15 september 2022
When it is necessary to issue a written order to perform a particularly dangerous work
23 august 2022
The obligation to provide employees with personal hygiene products, and the place of work
9 august 2022
Storage of cylinders with different gases in one store
26 july 2022
Lifting standards for juvenile workers
12 july 2022
What regulations are the obligation for the employer to develop health and safety instructions
21 june 2022
Health and safety requirements for the mobile scaffolding
7 june 2022
Transport of gases with a goods and passenger crane
17 may 2022
Welding on a ladder - is it allowed?
3 may 2022
Safety of machine use - regulations
19 april 2022
System scaffolding - commissioning and use
5 april 2022
Work on scaffolding - work at height
14 march 2022
What do you need to remember when using UVC lamps for room sterilization?
1 march 2022
Authorization to erect scaffolding in the warehouse
22 february 2022
Record sheet for the allocation of workwear
25 february 2022
How to shape the safety culture in the company?

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Interactive Knowledge Base about PPE
Interactive Knowledge Base about PPE
Interactive Knowledge Base about PPE
Interactive Knowledge Base about PPE
Personal protection
Interactive Knowledge Base about PPE

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Expert zone - content partner of CIOP-PIB

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PPE Bulletins

We invite you to read the articles prepared by our experts.

Knowledge zone-protective helmets
Knowledge zone-paving Work
Work at height
Harmful factors in the workplace: dust
Harmful factors in the workplace: noise
Knowledge zone - hand protection
Knowledge zone: Sorbents

Did you not find the answer to your question? Ask them below:

PPE Bulletins

I have the following question:  
Footwear for school cleaning staff * What temperature must be ensured in the hygienic and sanitary rooms of the workplace? * What qualifications are needed to operate pallet trucks? * Employees using their own protective footwear - is it allowed? * Labeling of a chemical mixture created for the plant * How to organize work at heights in confined spaces in accordance with the regulations? * What requirements should gloves protecting against glass cuts meet? * Labeling of a chemical mixture created for the plant * Use of protective gloves when operating grinding power tools * What height can pallets with goods be placed? * Automation of PPE issuance and electronic records of PPE allocation * Using a lift as a means of transport between levels * How to choose gloves for work exposed to electric arc shock? * Protruding materials on pallet racks * Occupational noise and safety standards: what steps should the employer take * Health and safety at screen monitors * Summer work - meals and drinks * Operation of two hammer drills at the same time * Color of fenders on loading ramps * Control screens in machines and devices * Spill baths - when is their use necessary? * Lockers for employees in social rooms * Compensation for washing representative clothing - is it due? * Work clothes and protective clothing – how to distinguish between them? * Reporting MCR chemical substances to PIP and PIS * Painting on a ladder – what personal protective equipment should you use? * Issuing personal hygiene products and longer breaks from work * Overview of devices not subject to the Office of Technical Inspection * Learn 2 ways to independently determine the maximum shelf load in warehouse racks * The obligation to provide employees with personal hygiene products, and the place of work * When it is necessary to issue a written order to perform a particularly dangerous work * We select eye protection products taking into account the needs and comfort of the employee's work * How to specify the date of use of work clothes and shoes in the allocation table? * Securing the place where the driver is to stay when loading the car * How to determine the maximum allowable loads * It is forbidden to use mobile phones in a given workplace * How to shape the safety culture in the company? * Where to look for savings on heating work spaces while maintaining comfortable working conditions? * Compensation for using your own workwear or equivalent for buying workwear? * How to introduce occasional remote work in the workplace? * A workplace with a screen monitor and reimbursement for corrective glasses * Which machines are subject to periodic inspections? * We organize the unloading of long elements * How to mark shelves in a storage room? * Industrial helmets in stock * How to organize the lifting and moving of barrels? * Mobile loading ramp and mobile loading platform * How to complete the missing technical documentation and inspections of racks in the warehouse? * Organization of transport of unusual items * At what wind speeds can the crane operate? * Employment in the plant after completing the internship and initial occupational health and safety training * Where to report the fuel tank? * Is welding a particularly dangerous job?? * Where and how to make occupational health and safety instructions available in the workplace? * Transport of hazardous materials and work in special conditions * Safe storage of boxes for semi-finished products and finished products produced in the forge * When do you need to carry out an occupational risk assessment for manual transport work? * Record sheet for the allocation of workwear * Authorization to erect scaffolding in the warehouse * What do you need to remember when using UVC lamps for room sterilization? * Work on scaffolding - work at height * System scaffolding - commissioning and use * Safety of machine use - regulations * Welding on a ladder - is it allowed? * Transport of gases with a goods and passenger crane * Health and safety requirements for the mobile scaffolding * What regulations are the obligation for the employer to develop health and safety instructions * Lifting standards for juvenile workers * Storage of cylinders with different gases in one store * When is a protective helmet for an operator of a powered industrial truck compulsory? * Are first aid kits necessary or a first aid point in the workplace suffices?? * Learn how to safely transport a load that extends beyond the forklift * What to do when an employee brings a certificate that he cannot use protective footwear * Deduction from wages for the wear of work clothes upon termination of employment. * Knowledge zone-protective helmets * Knowledge zone-paving Work * Work at height * Harmful factors in the workplace: dust * Harmful factors in the workplace: noise * Knowledge zone - hand protection * Knowledge zone: Sorbents * Back: Home
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