
RAW-POL STEFAŃSKI SPÓŁKA KOMANDYTOWO-AKCYJNA It announces that it uses across its Web pages of cookies, which are small text files, otherwise known as cookies to deliver content and functionality, and user services in order to obtain statistical information about the use of services.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files sent by a web server and saved on your computer by your browser. It is one of the basic technologies used by modern websites. Without this technology, it is very difficult or even impossible to perform user authorization and maintain the session. Cookies may be related to the user, their preferences or their device, and are most often used to ensure that the website performs the way users expect it to be. The information usually does not directly identify you, but it can provide you with a more personalized web experience. As we respect your right to privacy, you may choose not to accept certain types of cookies. To learn more and change our default settings, go to the "Preferences related to the processing of cookies and data on the website" (available from the "See more" section at the bottom of the website), select "Advanced consent settings" and decide which the level of consent to the use of cookies is acceptable to you.

Why technology Cookies is used in these sites?

Cookies are used in order to provide you with the opportunity to use services, browse the listings, orders, etc., the precise scope of application is listed below:

  • Authentication - the identification of the user logged
  • Security - with Cookies only you have access to their data, etc. profile. Cookies also help prevent abuses in the Web sites.
  • Features Service - with Cookies it is possible to carry out basic maintenance functions such as browsing the offer, cart functionality like.
  • Efficiency test - with Cookies possible to analyze traffic statistics, which enables optimization of service
  • Advertising - we use cookies to promote certain products, articles or services. This type of cookies is used to make advertising messages more relevant and tailored to your preferences.

How do you manage your files Cookies?

File Management cookies depends on your web browser. Use the help system given the browser to turn off or limit the use of cookies.

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Kompatybilne wersje przeglądarek: Internet Explorer 9+, Mozilla Firefox 24+, Google Chrome 29+, Opera 21+ oraz inne nowoczesne przeglądarki wspierające technologię HTML5.

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Nie masz zgodnej przeglądarki? Poniżej znajdziesz linki do instalatorów najbardziej popularnych i zalecanych przeglądarek:
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There was an error. Most likely, your browser does not meet the standards required by the application. Please upgrade to a newer version or use a different browser!

Compatible browsers: Internet Explorer 9 +, Mozilla Firefox 24 +, Chrome 29 +, Opera 21 + and other modern browsers support HTML5 technology.

We recommend that you always use the latest, fully updated versions of supported browsers!

No compatible browser? Below you will find links to the installers of the most popular and recommended browsers:
download Mozilla Firefox download Google Chrome download Opera

Произошла ошибка. Скорее всего, ваш браузер не соответствует стандартам, требуемым приложением. Обновите версию до новой версии или используйте другой браузер!

Совместимые браузеры: Internet Explorer 9 +, Mozilla Firefox 24 +, Chrome 29 +, Opera 21 + и другие современные браузеры поддерживают технологию HTML5.

Мы рекомендуем всегда использовать новейшие, полностью обновленные версии поддерживаемых браузеров!

Совместимый браузер отсутствует Ниже вы найдете ссылки на инсталляторы самых популярных и рекомендуемых браузеров:
загрузить Mozilla Firefox загрузить Google Chrome загрузить Opera

Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten . Höchstwahrscheinlich entspricht Ihr Browser nicht den von der Anwendung geforderten Standards. Bitte aktualisieren Sie auf eine neuere Version oder verwenden Sie einen anderen Browser!

Kompatible Browser: Internet Explorer 9 +, Mozilla Firefox 24 +, Chrome 29 +, Opera 21+ und andere moderne Browser unterstützen die HTML5-Technologie.

Wir empfehlen, immer die neuesten, vollständig aktualisierten Versionen der unterstützten Browser zu verwenden!

Kein kompatibler Browser? Unten finden Sie Links zu den Installern der beliebtesten und empfohlenen Browser:
Mozilla Firefox herunterladen Google Chrome herunterladen Opera herunterladen

Uruchom mimo to / Run anyway / Запуск в любом случае / Führen Sie sowieso
( Niezalecane, chyba, że jesteś pewna/pewien, że twoja przeglądarka spełnia wymagane standardy / Not recommended unless you are certain that the web browser meets the required standards / Не рекомендуется, если вы не уверены, что веб-браузер соответствует требуемым стандартам / Nicht empfohlen, es sei denn, Sie sind sicher, dass der Webbrowser die erforderlichen Standards erfüllt )