Everything for safe work

How did we come into being?

We wanted to be different. Be agile and with an idea for the future. We were not afraid of competition - we saw it as a driving force for business and for us. At the same time, we noticed that in Poland there was a shortage of personal protective equipment combining work comfort, high durability and aesthetic appearance. Therefore, in 1995, RAW-POL was established. In order to concentrate everything for safe work in one place.

We started to act: acquiring partners, building infrastructure, creating an organization with the goal of full customer satisfaction. We knew that in order to achieve it, we would need good cooperation with distributors who - scattered all over the country - would reach any company that wanted to ensure the safety of employees.

The first in Poland sales platform specialized in in the field of personal protective equipment, i.e. RAWPOL.com.

What have we achieved?

Over 150 professionals

Today, RAW-POL is primarily a team of over 150 professionals, experts in their fields, caring for the full satisfaction of their customers every day.

Over 10,000 distributors

Today, RAW-POL means good cooperation with over 10,000 distributors scattered all over Europe.

Over 50,000 products

Today, RAW-POL has over 50,000 products available on the RAWPOL.com platform.

Over 25,000 m2 of warehouses

Today, RAW-POL also has over 25,000 square meters of warehouse space, where products are stored, available for immediate shipment to our customers.

Relationships with suppliers

Today, RAW-POL also means great relations with suppliers who are ready to execute orders for products available on the RAWPOL.com platform right away.

Algorithms and machine support

Today, RAW-POL also means countless, fully digital algorithms, maintained by more than half of the people associated with our company, experts in the field of new technologies.

Continuous quality improvement

Today, RAW-POL means innovation and continuous improvement of product quality, possible thanks to investments in research and certification of our activities.

Leader in the sale of security measures

Today, RAW-POL is the undisputed leader in the sale of personal protective equipment in Poland and one of the largest companies of this type in Europe.

Where are we heading?

Forward - into the future, because the reason why RAW-POL was created has only gained relevance over time. That is why we are constantly creating new products and expanding our offer so that everyone has a choice of what they want to work in, being sure that their life and health are properly protected.

It is also the result of reaching for knowledge and inspiration from the top shelf: from the best business schools - advising us how to effectively manage the company - and research and certification units - caring for our expertise in the field of designing personal protective equipment and ensuring work safety. Thanks to this, we develop as people, a team and the entire organization, cultivating the ability to create: innovative products, knowledge platforms, customer services, business games and many other solutions enriching the RAWPOL.com platform.

This approach makes us ready for even more. That is why we focus on development also outside Poland - building branches, acquiring international partners and taking over local entities - to offer everything for safe work there as well.

Important events in the company's history

Zakład Produkcyjno-Handlowo-Usługowy RAW-POL EXPORT-IMPORT JAN I TOMASZ STEFAŃSCY Spółka Cywilna is established.
The first 1,000 square meter low-storage warehouse is put into operation.
The civil partnership is transformed into RAW-POL Jan i Tomasz Stefański Spółka Jawna.
The RAWPOL.com.pl purchasing platform is launched.
The first high-bay warehouse with an area of ​​10,000 square meters and an office of 1,000 square meters is put into operation.
The cooperation with well-known international brands begins and they are introduced to the RAWPOL.com.pl platform.
Another high-bay warehouse with an area of ​​14,000 square meters is put into operation.
The company transforms into RAW-POL Stefański Spółka Jawna.
International customers are increasingly choosing RAW-POL, which is why the sales platform changes its address to RAWPOL.com.
The company opens its laboratory.
The company transforms into RAW-POL Stefański Spółka komandytowo-akcyjna.
The company's offer is expanding to include services related to the distribution of products through dispensing machines.
The company joins the prestigious Club of Polish Research Laboratories POLLAB.
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