Respiratory tracts

According to the 89/686/EEC directive the respiratory protective equipment which protects against chemicals and dust ranks among protective equipment which has to be classified into category 3, i.e. the category of equipment providing protection against the highest risk of injury to health.

Basic requirements for air to which a worker is exposed:

  • Concentration of specific substances within the permitted range,
  • Air temperature within the range which enables normal functioning,
  • Oxygen content of above 17%.

Division of respiratory protection equipment

The basic standard which governs the classification of respiratory protective equipment is the EN133 standard “Respiratory protective equipment”. The division is based on the concentration of harmful substances and oxygen content.

Depending on the risk type, there are two types of situations:

  • The presence of harmful substances in the air, such as vapours, gases, dust etc.
  • Insufficient oxygen content (below 17%).

This division influences the choice of adequate respiratory protective equipment - depending on the requirements filtering or insulating equipment should be used.

Filtering equipment

The air is purified of harmful chemicals and dust by filters, gas filters and combined filters.

These devices do not constitute independent protective equipment but are incorporated into given protection equipment, such as: half face masks, masks, hoods, helmets etc. The exception are single use half masks - in this case the filter and the mask constitute an integral device.

In some cases filtering equipment may feature elements which force or support air circulation.

According to the EN143 standard “Respiratory protective equipment - requirements, testing, marking” filters are divided into three protection classes depending on their efficiency - measured as the amount of blocked harmful substances, referred to as a penetration rate.

The classification of anti-dust filters for half face and full face masks protecting against dust and aerosols:

ClassProtection againstFiltering capacityPermitted penetration
Solid or liquid non-toxic aerosols in concentration of up to 4TLV (5TLV along with the mask)80%20%
Liquid or solid non-toxic and moderately toxic aerosols in concentration of up to 10TLV (16 along with the mask)94%9%
Liquid or solid non-toxic, moderately toxic and highly toxic aerosols in concentration of up to 20TLV (900TLV along with the mask)99,95%0,05%
TLV - Threshold limit value

The classification of time-limited filters (single use anti-dust masks):

ClassProtection againstFiltering capacityPermitted penetration
FFP1Solid or liquid non-toxic aerosols in concentration of up to 4TLV80%20%
FFP2Liquid or solid non-toxic and moderately toxic aerosols in concentration of up to 10TLV94%6%
FFP3Liquid or solid non-toxic, moderately toxic and highly toxic aerosols in concentration of up to 20TLV99%1%
TLV - Threshold limit value

Gas filtering equipment

Gas filtering equipment includes a faceblank and a gas filter. It is used in environments where there is a risk of intoxication with chemicals in the form of vapours or gases. Gas filters are classified on the basis of the substance against which they protect.

The classification of gas filters according to classes and types:

Gas filter classMaximum concentration of toxic gases
CLASS 10,1% = 1000ppm
CLASS 20,5% = 5000ppm
CLASS 31% = 10000ppm

The classification of gas filters according to the protection they provide:

MarkingProtection type
gases and organic vapours whose boiling point exceeds 65oC
inorganic gases, excluding carbon monoxide
some acid gases and vapours, including sulfur dioxide
ammonia and some amine derivatives
mercury and derivatives
nitrogen oxides
carbon monoxide

Combined equipment consists of filtering devices and gas filters and provides protection against both gases and solid particles.

Insulating equipment

The role of the insulating equipment is to provide the user with insulation against air containing harmful substances or deficient in oxygen. This equipment supplies air from independent sources and ensures that the harmful air does not access the user’s lungs. The equipment may be divided into:

  • desktop equipment (continuous flow compressed air line breathing apparatus),
  • portable equipment (oxygen tanks, regenerating respirators).

A special group of respiratory protective equipment is the escape equipment. This equipment is used during emergency evacuations. This equipment is not used for regular work, but only in case of an emergency, when there is a need to escape a contaminated site.

Definitions used for respiratory protective equipment

Calculating the adequateness of a mask assuming a required protection ratio

Required protection ratio=Actual concentration level
Acceptable concentration level


Required protection ratio=250 mg/m3
50 mg/m3

required protection ratio =5

which means that the required TLV = 10


Threshold limit value

- weighed value - level of concentration of a toxic compound to which a worker may be exposed during an 8-hour workday and average work week provided for in the Labour Code for the duration of the worker’s professional activity without deterioration in the worker’s health and the health of his future offspring.


Assigned Protection Factor. It refers to a level of protection provided by a given protector achieved in 95% if fully functional equipment is used by qualified and experienced workers.

% of acceptable internal leakage rate


Nominal Protection Factor. Nominal protection level provided by the equipment for maximum percentage of inward leakage permitted for the given type of equipment.

Rules for selection of respiratory protective equipment

Basic threats to the airways at the workplace

Powder and dustOccurs as a result of processing solid materials. Powder and dust arise during brushing, abrasive blasting, but also cutting, turning and other actions which require treatment of solid structures. The smaller the particles are, the more dangerous they are to the respiratory system. Fibers of fabric also should be considered dust.
FogOccurs during atomization of liquids (spraying, cleaning, wet cutting). The fog consists of small droplets of sprayed liquid.
SmokeOccurs as a result of combustion of solid materials at a high temperature. Extremely small particles form smoke or condensate. Smoke is a side effect of many processes, such as metal melting, casting, welding and others.
FumesGas phase occurs as a result of evaporation of substances which are normally solids or liquids in room temperature.
GasesSubstances which in room temperature occur as gases. Gases can move with unusual speed for long distances.
Lack of oxygenWhen the oxygen content in the air drops below 19%, it is called a lack of oxygen. ATTENTION! Standard respirators do not protect against this danger!

When selecting appropriate respiratory equipment to be used in a given environment one should answer the following questions:

What are the dangerous agents present at the workplace - solids or gases?

Depending on the type of agents, one should select appropriate filtering equipment, gas filtering equipment or combined filters.

What is the concentration of the harmful agent?

You should check whether the selected protective equipment is suitable for the intended application.

Is there a risk of hypoxia?

If there is a risk of hypoxia, insulating equipment should be used.

What is the expected work time with the use of the protective equipment?

Usually the work time is limited due to the parameters of the equipment - the volume of air in the cylinder, filtering capacity in a highly contaminated environment etc.

Does the weather influence the operation of the equipment or the user?

Extremely high and low temperatures may influence both the user and the operation of the protective equipment. The shelf life of gas filters may be affected by work in high or extremely low temperatures or increased humidity level. Low temperatures may affect the operation of battery powered devices.

Will the protective equipment allow the user to work efficiently?

Protective equipment worn on face may limit the field of vision and deteriorate the safety of the user. Filtering equipment and breathing apparatus may to some extent limit the moves of users.

Is the communication with other workers necessary?

If there is a need of communication between workers who wear respiratory protective equipment, an equipment featuring an acoustic membrane should be used.

Does the use of respiratory protective equipment influence other protectors used?

If other protective equipment is used, the user should make sure that the protection in each area is sufficient.

Examples of application of temporary filters

Examples of dangers FFP1 FFP1V FFP2 FFP2V FFP2CV FFP2DV FFP3V FFP3DV
Brick dust
Iron and metal fumes
Glass fiber
Lead fumes
MDF - manual treatment
MDF - mechanical treatmentAB1P2
Mineral fibers
Paint fumes (excluding isocyanates)AB1P2
Mineral wool
White spiritAB1P2
- can be used, - only a round half face mask is appropriate (without the vertical bend)

The proposed selection of absorbers and filters in relation to various types of risks

Ethyl acrylate
Allyl alcohol
Aluminum (oxide)
Ethyl amine
Food flavorings
Hydrogen bromide
Aluminum chloride
Ammonium chloride
Chloroacetyl chloride
Carbonyl chloride
Cyanogen chloride
Hydrogen chloride
Chromium and chromates
Hydrogen cyanide
Carbon tetrachloride
Tetraethyl lead
Dichloride disulfur
Dwuizocyjanek toluene
Carbon disulphide
Chlorine Dioxide
Silicon dioxide
Manganese dioxide
Sulphur dioxide
Hydrogen fluoride
Yellow phosphorus
Calcined gypsum
Glycol Methyl
Cadmium (salt, flour)
Cobalt (smoke, dust)
Silicon (dust)
Nitric acid
Formic acid
Acetic acid
Propionic acid
Sulphuric acid
Magnesium (smoke, dust)
Methyl methacrylate
Nickel (dust, smoke)
Ethyl acetate
Vinyl acetate
Lead (smoke, dust)
Couples asphalt
Pentafluoride bromine
Mercury (vapor)
Sulphide chloroetylenu
Methyl sulfide
Hydrogen sulfide
Solvent naphtha
Silver (smoke, dust)
Arsenic oxide
Carbon monoxide
Nitrogen oxides
Zinc oxides
Magnesium oxide
Boron tribromide
Boron trifluoride
Tricresyl phosphate
Vanadium (dust, smoke)
Calcium carbonate
Potassium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide
Paraffin wax
Ferrovanadium (dust)
ATTENTION: If there are multiple filters listed for one item, the filters should be used alongside each other.

Examples of application of anti-dust filters in half face filtering masks and full face masks

ApplicationsRisk type
Stonemasonry and rubble removalDust and tiny particles
Grain sorting and cellulose productionDust and tiny particles
Softwood grinding (excluding beech and oak wood)Dust and tiny particles
TIG/MIG/MAG welding, gas welding, oxygen cutting, soldering, braze weldingTiny particles and metal fumes, ozone
CuttingMetal dust
Machine cutting, grindingMetal dust
Rust, gypsum, plastic grindingParticles and tiny particles
Powder coating (excluding paints which contain lead chromate)Particles
Hardwood grinding, e.g. beech or oak woodParticles i drobne
Timber treatment using water which contains copperParticles
Mechanical paint removalParticles and tiny particles
Powder coating using paints which contain lead chromateParticles
Attention: All information presented in the above tables is purely illustrative and shall not be used as a sole standard of judgment of respiratory system protection measures

Basic classification of respiratory protective equipment

There are the following types of respiratory protective equipment:

  • Time-limited filters - these filters cover the nose and mouth. The protective properties depend on the material used. When the user inhales the air flows through the filtering material and when the user exhales the air flows outside through the material or exhalation seat.
  • Half face masks - the inhaled air flows through one or more filters, gas filters or combined filters. The exhaled air flows outside through the exhalation seat. The filters should be replaced when they are used up. Half face masks cover the chin, mouth and nose.
  • Full face masks - they work similarly to half face masks but cover the eyes.
  • Protective equipment with a ventilator - this type of equipment features a ventilator which pushes air inside the helmet, faceblank or hood through one or more filters. The ventilator is powered by an accumulator or a battery. The exhaled air flows outside through the exhalation seat.
  • Protective equipment with air supply - the air is supplied by a portable cylinder or from an air supply network through a hose connected to the mask or hood, optionally to a half face mask. A separate filter is required for the filtering of air before it reaches the breathing apparatus.

List of standards


Show products meeting the standard EN12941

Respiratory protective equipment. Powered filtering devices incorporating helmets or hoods. Requirements, testing, marking.

The standard specifies minimum requirements concerning powered filtering devices featuring a helmet or a hood with a gas filter(s), filter(s) or combined filter(s) used to protect the respiratory system.

The standard does not apply to equipment designed for use in oxygen deficient environments and to respiratory protective escape equipment.

The standard describes laboratory tests and field tests which enable the assessment of conformity of the equipment with the requirements.

Performance classAPFNPF


Show products meeting the standard EN140

Respiratory protective equipment. Half and quarter masks. Requirements, testing, marking.

The standard specifies the minimum requirements for half masks and quarter masks used for the protection of the respiratory system, with the exception of escape equipment and diving equipment.

The standard describes laboratory tests and field tests which enable the assessment of conformity of the equipment with the following requirements:

  • impact resistance,
  • resistance to cleaning agents and disinfectants,
  • flame resistance,
  • airway resistance.
Performance classAPFNPF
FGAS x P144
FGAS x P21012
FGAS x P31012


Show products meeting the standard EN143

Respiratory protective equipment. Filters. Requirements, testing, marking.

The standard describes filters used in respiratory protective equipment, with the exception of escape equipment and filtering faceblanks. It also lists laboratory tests which enable the assessment of conformity of the filters with the requirements. Some of these filters, upon their testing and marking, are approved for use in other types of respiratory protective equipment.

EN14387 (supersedes EN141)

Show products meeting the standard EN14387

Respiratory protective equipment. Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s). Requirements, testing, marking.

The standard describes gas filters and combined filters used in respiratory protective equipment without air flow support system. The standard does not apply to elements protecting against CO. The described laboratory tests enable assessment of the conformity of the equipment with the requirements. Some filtering elements compliant with this standard can be used alongside respiratory protective equipment featuring air flow support system and should be tested and marked in accordance with an appropriate standard.

EN141 (superseded by EN14387)

Show products meeting the standard EN141

Respiratory protective equipment. Gas filters and combined filters. Requirements, testing, marking.

This standard specifies the requirements for gas filters and combined filters used in respiratory protective equipment without air flow support system.

The standard does not apply to AX filters for use against low boiling organic compounds, SX filters for use against specific compounds and CO gas filters.

The standard specifies laboratory tests which enable the assessment of the conformity of the equipment with the requirements, and marking methods.


Show products meeting the standard EN149

Filtering half masks protecting against particles. Requirements, testing, marking.

The standard specifies minimum requirements for half face masks used to protect against particles, with the exception of masks used as escape equipment. The standard describes laboratory tests which enable assessment of the conformity of filtering half masks with the requirements.

If a given mask is designed for one work shift only, it is marked with “NR” symbol. If it is a reusable mask it is marked with an “R”. Reusable masks have to be tested for dolomite clogging and marked with a “D” symbol which means the mask passed the test. In case of NR-marked masks this test is optional.

Performance classAPFNPF


Show products meeting the standard EN405

Respiratory protective equipment. Valved filtering half masks with gas filters or combined filters. Requirements, testing, marking.

The standard specifies requirements, test methods and marking for valved filtering half masks with gas filters or combined filters which are used as respiratory protective equipment, with the exception of escape equipment.

Performance classAPFNPF
FGAS x P144
FGAS x P21012
FGAS x P31012


Show products meeting the standard EN136

Respiratory protective equipment. Masks. Requirements, testing, marking.

The standard specifies minimum requirements for masks used in respiratory protective equipment. It describes laboratory and field tests which enable assessment of the conformity of the equipment with the requirements.

The standard does not apply to masks used in diving equipment.

Performance classAPFNPF


Show products meeting the standard EN137

Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with full face mask. Requirements, testing, marking.

Described minimum requirements for self-contained open-circuit with compressed air equipped with a mask, used as respiratory protection, excluding escape instruments and apparatus for diving. The equipment is intended for use in such environments where the risk of increased pressure in pressure tanks with valves, caused by high ambient temperaturę, is low.


Show products meeting the standard EN467

Protective clothing. Protection against liquid chemicals. Requirements for protective clothing for specific body parts.

It specifies the minimum requirements for protective clothing protecting specific body parts (such as: aprons, arm protectors, hoods) against liquid chemicals.

BS 4275

Guide to implementing effective respiratory protection system.

Respirators, breathing apparatus, air supplied by breathing apparatus, safety devices, air filters, filters, safety measures, occupational safety, air pollution, dust, gases and pollutants, air pollutant particles, industrial air pollution, marking classification, efficiency, colour codes, standards, hazards, conformity, training, maintenance, visual inspection, chemical protection at the work place, efficiency tests, tightness tests, pressure testing of compressed air systems, quality, pollution tolerance, protective clothing, flow gas, mathematical calculations, bibliography, risk assessment.


Show products meeting the standard EN1827

Respiratory protective equipment. Half masks without inhalation valves and with separable filters to protect against gases or gases and particles or particles only. Requirements, testing, marking.

The standard specifies the requirements for operation, test methods and marking requirements concerning reusable half masks without inhalation valves and with separable filters to protect against gases or gases and particles or particles only (designed to be used for one work shift at the most). The standard does not apply to equipment to be used in oxygen deficient environments (oxygen content lower than 17%) or as an escape equipment. The standard describes laboratory tests which enable assessment of the conformity of the equipment with the requirements.

DIN 58647-7

Show products meeting the standard DIN 58647-7

Respiratory protective devices for self-rescue - Part 7: Filtering devices for self-rescue; requirements, testing, marking.

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