DuPont® polypropylene coveralls

ProductClothTypeSizeColourProtectionSample applicationsPackingNormsLineBrandFor industries
Polypropylenem ÷ 3xl
minimal risksforestry,hunting,painting,cleaning works1/50
Polypropylenexs ÷ 8xl

minimal riskspainting,general mechanical work, cleaning1/50
polypropylene coated with a microporous filmm ÷ 3xl
minimal riskspainting,general mechanical work, cleaning1/50
SMMS a four polypropylene5&6m ÷ 3xl
solids,mist chemicalsglass or rubber production,burning bricks or ceramics,painting m. al. Shower,molding, metal smelting1/50
TYCHEM ®3, 3b, 4, 5&6m ÷ 3xl
radioactive pollution,fibers, blood, viruses and bacteria,liquid under pressure to 2 bar,concentrated inorganic chemicals such .: sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide,Biological agentschemical industry,pharmaceutical industry,removal of hazardous materials,contact with chemicals used in agriculture,emergency services,garbage disposal1/25
TYCHEM ®3, 3b, 4, 5&6m ÷ 3xl
radioactive pollution,fibers, blood, viruses and bacteria,liquid under pressure to 5 bar,inorganic chemicals in a high concentration, organic chemicals such .: toluene, xylene, acetone,Biological agentschemical industry,pharmaceutical industry,removal of hazardous materials,contact with chemicals used in agriculture,emergency services,garbage disposal1/25
TYVEK ®5 & 6m ÷ 3xl
liquid chemical splashes and against fine solid particlesburning bricks, glass production, production of construction materials,Food industry (bakeries),Boats and wind farm components (blades, heads)1/100
Non-woven polyethylene5 & 6m ÷ 3xl
solid particles and liquid chemicalsWorking with glass fiber, the pharmaceutical industry in the case of a small exposure to chemicals, widely understood production, repair and industrial cleaning1/100
TYVEK ®4b, 5 & 6m ÷ 3xl
dust particles and liquids,heavily sprayed chemicals,radioactive particle-,biological agentsvarnishing,chemical industry,pharmaceutical industry,works of cleaning - maintenance in industrial plants,food processing,waste disposal,Working with asbestos1/100
TYVEK ®5&6m ÷ 3xl
dust particles and liquids,splashes of chemicals,radioactive particle-varnishing,chemical industry,pharmaceutical industry,works of cleaning - maintenance in industrial plants,food processing,waste disposal,Working with asbestos1/100
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